Monday, March 5


last night i just laid in bed laughing.
i was so tired everything seemed hilarious
sam recorded me because i couldn't control myself

sigh.. .

those moments are so precious to me
just the two of us enjoying being with each other
we didn't need anything to entertain us just a simple conversation
sometimes i worry that i haven't enjoyed those simple moment enough
pretty soon everything is going to change
there's going to be a baby for a us to stare at, and attempt to take care of!!
our lives are turning upside down and i'm trying as hard as i can to not stress about that
i'm trying to just enjoy the last of things instead of preparing(or trying to prepare) for the future

when we left the house last night sam looked at me and said do we have everything
in my mind, sunglasses...check, phone.... check, chapstick....check
yep i got everything i need
in a short 13 weeks time we will never be leaving the house so empty handed.
it's so weird to experience all these different emotions
the most overpowering emotion is excitement and extreme happiness
but i would be lying to myself and everyone else if i didn't admit that sometimes
i worry i have been taking everything for granted and not enjoying it enough
luckily we still have time to enjoy

and let's be honest... i think it's just going to be getting better from here
did you ever feel this way once you were pregnant?


Simply White said...

Yes! And it never is the same. We can't even remember what it was like, just the two of us without kids. It's wonderful having kids, but yes, enjoy these last few months!

Lyndsay said...

My advice is to enjoy this time, but know that things just get better post-kids. I hated feeling like there was some impending doom or prison time ahead of me when I was pregnant. It turned out not to be the case. Plus--you'll have a lot of family close by who won't hesitate to take your babe to give you a break. (Sign us up too--you just have to do the drop-off in Toledo).

sanda said...

Lyndsay I always think about how you told me you took daphne everywhere pretty easily until she was nine months or so.... There's still time!

Thanks for understanding!