Tuesday, November 30

i love that feeling

I love that feeling of finishing a book
When you first pick it up you aren't really sure what to expect
As you read most likely there are parts you predicted
And parts you never could have imagined
Sometimes you laugh out loud, cry, get angry, or chills of happiness
Those last 50 pages you can't seem to get through fast enough
I love that feeling of finishing a book.
I just finished one today and can't wait to start another...

What are you reading?


Amy said...

Mockingjay? So what did you think?

Sarah Hanks said...

Nothing currently! You always have good books...suggest some for me to read!

sanda said...

Sarah- if you haven't read the hunger game series I just finished book 3 and loved reading it, I'm sure you would like it. Another book is 'the help' which I just started. Before those I read 'eat cake' which was really good too. All of these are easy reads that you can get through in a couple of days or read for an afternoon and not pick it up for a week and then get right sucked back in. hope you guys are having a great holidays!

Amy- we've got to talk about mockingjay because I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read it, but i ended up really liking the book, even though it was harder to get into than the first two.