Tuesday, August 21

becoming my boys momma

i was told time and time again while i was pregnant how intuitive becoming a mom is
i didn't understand it
in my mind caring for my child and taking care of a baby seemed so foreign and scary
i read lots of books hoping to prepare me for what i was about to take on
even though I didn't read something that has magically worked or solved a problem 
i'm happy i read them 
knowledge is power right? 

but i can't believe what a natural transition it was becoming a mother 
i held my baby for the first time and looked into his eyes and fell in love 
after that love came, whose foundation started during pregnancy, the rest was easy 
it's been so easy and so hard all at the same time 
i love every minute, i love the challenges
i love that i can hear Mack move or make a noise on top of any other noise in the room
i love that i can tell when he is about to cry or if he wants something else 
i love that i know what he wants by listening to his cries or watching his body(still mastering)
i love that when he hears me he looks for me 
and when he sees me he smiles
i love thinking i am his favorite person in the world right now
i love being a momma 

i understand now how becoming a mother is intuitive
and i even better understand how being a mother brings the most joy 
each phase and week just gets better
they each come with a unique challenge but the reward gets greater and greater 
i love feeling like i am fulfilling my duty. 
that's all for now. 

i'm thinking of all my friends that are pregnant right now so excited for the days and weeks ahead
you are at such a wonderful part of pregnancy and life, try to enjoy it!!


Rachel said...

I love this post and I can already feel/see some of those same things with Kade. Thanks for sharing, I can only imagine it will get better with time and experience.

Mom and Dad Richards said...

You are a wonderful mother! I have noticed