Sunday, May 20

boy, girl or frog

I've loved the last week of being able to do more
my body is screaming in pain most days but it's worth it
we've been busy, cooking, cleaning, dejunking, gardening, assembling and shopping
can't wait to bring this baby home!

last night I dreamt we were having a boy
All along I've thought we were having a boy, seems like everyone having babies right now are having boys and I just had that 'motherly gut instinct'

earlier this week I dreamt that I delivered a frog
yes a frog!
it was hard to fall asleep after that, I hope I haven't been growing a frog for 9 months

Sam a few weeks ago dreamt it was a baby girl
I also had a dream it was a girl probably right before I went into pre term labor

No matter what as long as there's a baby we will love them regardless

What do you think, boy, girl, frog??
16 days until the due date


Hannah and Kinzer said...

I'm glad that you are feeling better. And I can't believe your only 16 days away from due date! Crazy. I'm excited to see what you have- I'm going to say...girl. Hope everything goes smoothly!

JWaldron said...

Boy! Definitely not a frog;)

the glausers said...

girl, so she can marry james!

si tu veux said...

its a boy!!! ...or a girl!!! so excited for you! love to you you THREE!!!

Abbie said...

I say girl.

Amy said...

That explains the frog text. I can't wait to meet THEM! said...

They will be darling either way
Love that baby (pretty sure it's not a frog)